What are single or sequential messaging devices?
Single message devices allow one message to be programmed in at a time.
Sequential message devices allow multiple messages to be programmed in one at a time.
Check out PrAACtical AAC's post for more information on sequential messaging devices.
BIGmack Speech Device/LITTLEmack Speech Device by Ablenet
Big Talk Communicator by Enabling Devices
Spectronics comparison of Ablenet Single Message Devices:
Examples of Sequential Message Devices
Small and Big Talk Sequencers by Enabling Devices
Sequencer by Adaptivation
Setting up for Success
Here are some tips to help make using a simple speech generating device easy.
1. Make sure the device is easy to find when
you need it. Generally, if you can get a message on a device and ready
to use in 30 seconds, you're more likely to help your child catch the
moment. Caroline Musselwhite,
experienced assistive technology specialist refers to this principle as
the "30 second" rule. Show everybody how to put a message in the
device so that no opportunities are missed.
Here are two videos by
Ablenet demonstrating how to record on a Big Mack and Step by Step.
Written instructions are also located at the bottom of most devices.
2. Involve your child when deciding what message(s) to record on the device. If possible, provide choices of messages to share e.g. "Do you want to say 'Good morning how are you today?' or 'Hey, Is it Friday yet?' "
record the message so the voice is fitting.
4. If you need to prompt your child to share their message, focus on the communication rather than the access. For example: "I think Beth has something to share with us" instead of "hit your switch".
5. Acknowledge the message by reflecting back what you've heard and expanding on the information given. "You're right, Jordan it's Wednesday. We are going to do some cooking this afternoon."
6. When your child is using a sequential speech generating device, it may be helpful to include an indication that there are no more messages to share e.g. "that's all for now".
When can I use simple speech generating device?
- Look for natural opportunities throughout your child's day where they can actively participate in what's happening around them.
- Greeting visitors to the classroom
- Wishing someone happy birthday
- Regularly occurring activities also provide your child with the chance to join in.
- Reading with a classmate
- Jokes. Can't think of any good jokes? Here are helpful lists from PrAACtical AAC.
- Sharing news
- Participation in circle time - talking about the weather, day of the week
- In situations where it's not possible to take a complex SGD, using a simple SGD that allows you to quickly and easily add a message may be a better fit.
- These devices are often useful for activities in which the primary goal is participation.
- Lines for a play, a speech or announcements can be recorded on a simple speech generating device as it's not likely that they will be used in communication at a later date. The use of simple speech generating device can also simplify the physical access so that a child can be successful when they are in the spotlight.
- Sometimes it's fun to be the leader. Record the sequential instructions for an activity e.g. baking, painting or a scavenger hunt.
101 Ideas for using the bigmack or other single message communication device by Spectronics