Sunday, 1 December 2013

I can...say it with a simple SGD!

Do you own a single or sequential messaging device (SGD)?  Be honest, when was the last time you used it?  Do you need some new ideas to dust off that device and get it up and running again? Simple SGDs can be used for a variety of reasons including sharing news, asking a question, making a comment, cheering for your team etc.  We've scoured the Internet and gathered all of these useful suggestions to allow kids who use AC to increase their active participation.

What are single or sequential messaging devices?  
Single message devices allow one message to be programmed in at a time.
Sequential message devices allow multiple messages to be programmed in one at a time.  
Check out PrAACtical AAC's post for more information on sequential messaging devices. 

Examples of Single Message Devices:  

BIGmack Speech Device/LITTLEmack Speech Device by Ablenet
Big Talk Communicator by Enabling Devices

Spectronics comparison of Ablenet Single Message Devices:

Examples of Sequential Message Devices

Small and Big Talk Sequencers by Enabling Devices
Sequencer by Adaptivation

Setting up for Success
Here are some tips to help make using a simple speech generating device easy.

1.  Make sure the device is easy to find when you need it.  Generally, if you can get a message on a device and ready to use in 30 seconds, you're more likely to help your child catch the moment.  Caroline Musselwhite, experienced assistive technology specialist refers to this principle as the "30 second" rule. Show everybody  how to put a message in the device so that no opportunities are missed.
Here are two videos by Ablenet demonstrating how to record on a Big Mack and Step by Step.  Written instructions are also located at the bottom of most devices.

Big Mack Communicator:

 Step by Step Communicator:

2. Involve your child when deciding what message(s) to record on the device.  If possible, provide choices of messages to share e.g. "Do you want to say 'Good morning how are you today?' or 'Hey, Is it Friday yet?' "
3.  Record the message from the child's perspective "Guess where I went last night?, I went to see Elf" vs. "Elizabeth went to see Elf last night".  When you are able, ask a child of the same gender and similar age to
record the message so the voice is fitting.

4.  If you need to prompt your child to share their message, focus on the communication rather than the access.  For example: "I think Beth has something to share with us" instead of "hit your switch".

5.  Acknowledge the message by reflecting back what you've heard and expanding on the information given.  "You're right, Jordan it's Wednesday.  We are going to do some cooking this afternoon."

6.  When your child is using a sequential speech generating device, it may be helpful to include an indication that there are no more messages to share e.g. "that's all for now". 

When can I use simple speech generating device?
  • Look for natural opportunities throughout your child's day where they can actively participate in what's happening around them.
  • Greeting visitors to the classroom
  • Wishing someone happy birthday
    • Regularly occurring activities also provide your child with the chance to join in.
      • Reading with a classmate
      • Jokes. Can't think of any good jokes?  Here are helpful lists from PrAACtical AAC.
      • Sharing news
      • Participation in circle time - talking about the weather, day of the week
    • In situations where it's not possible to take a complex SGD, using a simple SGD that allows you to quickly and easily add a message may be a better fit.
      • school trips
      • community outings
      • sports events
    • These devices are often useful for activities in which the primary goal is participation. 
      • Lines for a play, a speech or announcements can be recorded on a simple speech generating device as it's not likely that they will be used in communication at a later date.  The use of simple speech generating device can also simplify the physical access so that a child can be successful when they are in the spotlight.

    • Sometimes it's fun to be the leader.  Record the sequential instructions for an activity e.g. baking, painting or a scavenger hunt.
    Here are some other great ideas to make use of a simple SGD.
    101 Ideas for using the bigmack or other single message communication device  by Spectronics

    Friday, 1 November 2013

    I can...clarify that!

    Communication breakdowns happen to everyone from time to time.  When they happen, they can make us feel frustrated and not heard. Imagine how much more difficult it is for someone who uses AC to repair these breakdowns when they happen.  Introducing some simple clarification strategies can help ensure the intended message is understood by the communication partner.  In this issue, we'll explore some of the many ways that a person who uses AC can clarify a message.

    First things first, getting the conversation started:
    Being able to lead the topic of conversation can be highly motivating for many people, but can be difficult when a person has a limited vocabulary to choose from. Below are some strategies that allow someone to choose the topic.  These strategies also provide a way for someone to pinpoint a topic if a breakdown happens.

    Remnant Book
    A remnant book is a quick and easy way to share information or to spark someone's interest about
    something that you've done recently. Any small, portable photo album can be used to house pictures, small items, tickets or labels to represent an activity, outing or event that has happened in someone's life.

    Your remnant book might contain the ticket stub from the movie you saw last weekend, a piece of the popcorn bucket with a post-it note ("Uh oh - ate too much popcorn, felt sick all night!") or the business card from the speech path who visited from the treatment centre ("Guess who came to see me"). Anything that is of high interest to the student and will start a conversation.

    For more information on remnant books, see the following:

    Keep it simple with an "Ask Me"  button. A student may be able to draw someone into an interaction by wearing a button with an introductory message written on the front. "Wanna hear my news?" "Guess what I did!" or "I have pictures to share" may just spark the interest needed for someone to stop for a minute to join in the conversation. Follow up with a news message on a speech generating device, or a new item in a remnant book.

    Keeping others in the loop:
    Communication partners need to be aware of all the strategies that a student who uses AAC might want to use, to increase successful interactions. A student who has a remnant book in his backpack or a topic board at the back of a binder may need a way to inform others of where to find these resources. Remnant books or individual topic pages / alphabet boards may be hung on the back of a wheelchair in plain view. A brief explanation of the strategy can be added to the book or board so that partners know how to use them. More detailed information can be added to a Communication Dictionary or Communication Passport.

    A Communication Dictionary is a personalized description of "what I do and what it means". It needs to be simple to read and contain a description of all of the consistent methods of communication that a student uses to express themselves. For example, "when I move my head to the right side, I'm telling you 'yes'". Here's a great summary of what a communication dictionary is and a template to make your own:

    A Communication Passport is similar to a dictionary, but may contain more information about the person, likes, dislikes, family, how to set up the mounting for my device, etc. Simple to make once you download the templates, but extremely powerful as a way to share information.

    Keeping the conversation going:
    Everyone likes a chance to talk about what they like to do, their preferences and about what's happening in their own lives. It can be tricky for a person who relies on a symbol-based communication display to direct the conversation. A Topic Board can be helpful, allowing the person using it to provide some concrete hints about the topic they would like to talk about. A topic board can contain category hints, e.g. "It's about a person / place / thing / activity" to get the communication partner engaged in finding out more about the topic in question. An alphabet board can be included to allow a person to indicate the first letter of the word in question.
    The PocketMod is a small book that is created by folding a single piece of paper.  You can add symbols or text to a PocketMod create a portable communication display.  Take a look at this great PocketMod created by Nora Rothschild in this PDF. Create a customized one for FREE at

    A little extra help please!
    A student who primarily uses speech to communicate, may still have difficulty making themselves understood and may need an augmentative strategy to use as they speaks. Initial letter cueing is well described by Caroline Musselwhite, and can be an extremely effective strategy for appropriate candidates. It involves pointing to the initial letter of each word as it is spoken. Check here for more detail:

    Did you get that?
    Partners play an important role in letting the person who uses AC know whether they have been understood. Sometimes a quick check-in can do the job: "This is what I'm hearing - am I right?". If it is still tricky to know what the topic is, ask 'yes/no' questions to narrow it down, starting with more general ("Is it about something at school?") to more specific ("Is it about something in your classroom?"). Ask the person if they can tell you in a different way, spell the first letter of the word or give you a hint with a related word.

    Once you crack the code and discover the word ("Oh, I get it, you're talking about the thunder and lightning last night!"), celebrate and take a minute to talk about how some of those core words or more frequently used vocabulary words might be used to help explain ("last night, dark, big noise, I see bright light, I hide in bed"). If the word needs to be added to a device or display, now's the time!

    Teaching how to fix a communication breakdown:
    Think about a spot for clarification messages on a communication display or speech generating device and teach how to use these messages effectively. Just because they appear on a display does not mean that a person will automatically know how to use them. Being able to give feedback in this way can also be tricky

    for someone who has in the past taken a more passive role in communication. Saying "That's not what I meant", "You got it wrong" and "Listen carefully and I'll try to say it a different way" may not come naturally to many people. Practice with games like "Simon Says" or "Broken Telephone" and by searching for items in an "I Spy" book.

    Partner assisted scanning: 
    When a communication partner is presenting all of the options for the individual to select between, there may be fewer items on the communication display. Think about adding some clarification strategies right from the start, to teach how a person can indicate "that's not what I meant", "not on this board" or "oops, let's start over". 

    Nora Rothschild has shared some great summaries on using clarification strategies in both long and shortened versions.  Thanks Nora!

    Tuesday, 1 October 2013

    I can...use an iPad to communicate!

    The popularity of the iPad and other touch screen devices has had a huge impact on the world of AC.  Manufacturers of dedicated speech generating devices are releasing their apps based on their many years of research and development. To top it off, Apple has just released iOS 7 with built in switch accessibility!!!  Although the AC community is familiar with ongoing changes with technology, the release of touch screen devices and apps has really changed the range of possibilities out there.  In this month's issue of we will review some of the frequently asked questions that we hear about using an iPad for communication.

    iPad FAQ:

    Will an iPad help my child communicate?

    Tricky question! For a child who has challenges with communication, the broader question might be “will AC help my child communicate?”.  The iPad is just one of the many possible tools that can be used as a speech generating device. Given the relatively low cost (in comparison to some of the more traditional speech generating devices) and popularity of the iPad, it may be tempting to forge ahead with the purchase. However, as with any other communication strategy, consideration needs to be given to what an individual needs before determining which tool will be the best fit. Talk to your child’s Speech Language Pathologist (SLP) about an assessment for augmentative communication if you think it may be helpful. 

    We have an iPad, what should we do with it?

    How many times have you heard someone say “There’s an app for that!”  You can do so many things with an iPad from Solitaire to colouring to creating spreadsheets!  If you're thinking of using an iPad to help your child meet his communication needs, then start by identifying what those needs are at this point in time. Talk to your child’s team to determine where to start, to prioritize the communication goals and to agree on whether the iPad is the best tool to meet those goals. While the iPad is a fantastic tool for many, it’s still not the tool for everyone.

    We have an iPad already, which communication app should I use?

    As we mentioned above, having an idea of what your child might want to communicate during motivating activities will help increase the success of trying out a communication app with your child.  There are so many choices out there and it the list is growing!  There are some communication apps that are more expensive ($100-300) and there are some that are free.  Talk with your child’s Speech Language Pathologist or Occupational Therapist to help determine what might be a good fit for your child.  Jane Farrall has an AAC app list that is regularly updated .  In terms of FREE communication apps that we’ve had some great experiences with, try out Sounding Board and Go Talk Now Free.

    My child has difficulty targeting the screen, can he/she use a switch?

    Yes!  We are still in the early days of switch accessibility on the iPad but one huge leap forward is that the new iOS7 has built in switch accessibility that allows some additional control over the iPad.  The individual apps need to have switch accessibility built in to work.  Jane Farrall and Alex Dunn have developed a comprehensive list outlining which apps are switch accessible and the Bluetooth switch interface (pg 20 & 21) you'll need to pair the iPad with your child's switches:

    How does iOS7 let me use switches with my iPad?
    Here is a video from Ablenet that describes how to connect their bluetooth switch interface with the iPad and use iOS7 switch features.

    Single Switch Access

     Two Switch (Dual) Access

    Can my child use an iPad for writing?
    Yes!  There are also a growing number of assistive technology apps for writing. 
    Here are a list of some of the assistive technology apps that we are currently aware of:

     iWord Q  App ($24.99)
    Co:Writer App ($17.99)
    The above apps offer word prediction, abbreviation expansion and speech feedback features.

    Clicker Docs ($30.99)
    Abilipad ($19.99)
    The above apps offer word prediction and allow for customized onscreen keyboards.

    Dragon Dictation App - This voice recognition app works over WIFI or with cellular data.

    How do I back up my iPad?
    Here are the instructions from Apple on how to back up your iPad.

    It's beneficial to check with your app manufacturer to make sure that there are no further instructions on backing up the customized vocabulary that you have created.  You certainly want to make sure that all the programming you've done isn't lost!

    What will ADP fund?
    Currently the Assistive Device Program in Ontario provides funding for the purchase of an iPad with one of four apps for individuals who have met the current eligibility criteria for face to face communication. The
    current app options are:
    Talk Rocket Go

    Who else might providing funding?
    Individuals who meet the specific eligibility criteria may apply to President's Choice Financial Charity for funding of equipment such as an iPad.  Check out the criteria online:

    Who is going to teach me how to use the iPad?
    Once you and your child's team have determined that the iPad is the best tool for your child to use to communicate, you'll want to learn how to use it.

    • To learn more about the features and how to customize it for your child, check with the app manufacturer website. There is a ton of information online including tutorials, webinars and videos and you can learn at your own pace.
    • To learn more about how your child can use the app functionally to communicate, check with your child's Speech Language Pathologist.
    How do I mount an iPad?
    Some children benefit from having the iPad securely attached to a wheelchair or table top surface to help them accurately access the iPad screen.   Here are some options that are available:

    RAM Mounting:

    If you are using an iAdaptor Case here are some mounting options:
    REHAdapt Mounting:

    Can I play games on it too?
    It depends.  Some kids are able to use an iPad to communicate and to play while others find it difficult to use it to communicate when they see it as a "game" device. If your child's device is funded through the Assistive Devices Program, its primary function is for communication.

    To help kids with this challenge here are some strategies:
    • Use two cases - one colour case when it's used for communication, another colour case when it's for playing games.
    • Purchase a family iPad that's specific for games and activities.  Include a message on your child's communication iPad to allow a child to request the family's game iPad.
    • You can turn on "guided access" to restrict your child's access to other apps.  This feature keeps your child in one app until a password is entered to exit the app.  For more information about guided access:
    • Bub caps are covers for the home button that make it more difficult for kids to exit apps.
    What case should I use?
    There are many different types of cases available for iPads.  Consider the following factors when choosing a case:
    • Protection:  Is your child likely to drop the device?
    • Mounting: Does your child's device need to be mounted?  If so, you may have to choose a particular case that works with the mounting hardware.
    • Ease of access: Can you child quickly and easily open the case and get to the vocabulary that he/she needs to communicate?
    • Bulk/Weight - Can you child manage the device on their own?  Can they carry it and store it away safely?
    • Aesthetics - Is the case visually appealing to your child?
    In terms of funding, the Assistive Device Program (ADP) of Ontario currently provides funding for the following cases:

    Sunday, 1 September 2013

    I a teenager!

    We hope you had a great summer and are looking forward to the school year that lies ahead.  Many of our students will be entering High School for the first time, making the transition from the comfort of the familiar, to the new and exciting (although sometimes scary) experiences of a brand new setting. Finding resources that are a good match for the interests and abilities of teenagers who use AC isn't always easy.  In this issue, we will explore ways to support reading, writing and use of a speech generating device for older students.

    With a Little Help from my Friends...

    Although we may not wish to admit it, some of us are a long ways past our teenage years! Times have changed and it can be challenging to try and think like a teen, in the process of helping out our students who have reached that milestone. So, how about reaching out to siblings and friends to ask for some help when it comes to programming devices, developing resources and creating items such as Remnant books or communication passports. Students in high school may have buddies who spend time with them throughout the week. There are often opportunities for the students to work together, for example to share a novel or to browse through You Tube videos. Here are some other ideas for activities that peers could really help out with:

    Updating vocabulary on speech generating devices: Vocabulary needs change over time. With the student's permission, ask a peer to try using a speech generating device or communication display in a specific situation. Pick a situation that is meaningful for the person who uses the device, e.g., ordering food

    in the cafeteria, talking with friends, checking out books in the library. Have the peer make a list of any words and phrases that they would want to use in these situations, that are not currently available on the device or display. 

    Creating personalized books with
    Tarheel Reader: We love this one! If you only try one thing this month, try this!! Tarheel Reader is an easy to use (honestly!), free online resource that can be used for students to read or to write switch accessible books. Once books are written, they can be submitted for inclusion in the online collection. The real beauty of this resource is that you can create books

    that are simple to read, but have content that is interesting for teens. Brainstorm some topics that your students would enjoy reading about, take some photos or browse the collection at Flikr and create a masterpiece! Instead of having book buddies reading a book this week, have them create one together. Challenge the other classes to get creative. See how many books you can write this school year!

    Creating a Communication Passport or Remnant Book: Older students often have lots more experience using a variety of multi-media software and, with a little help to consider what content to include in a passport or remnant book,  might be a great resource in terms of putting together a document or media presentation that will stand out.

    Personalizing a Communication Book or Display: Get some help with adding a personal touch to a display or communication book. Friends could help you shop for the perfect binder, or might volunteer to share their scrapbooking skills.

    Teens giving back: In turn our students can help others in a variety of ways. Perhaps there are opportunities for a teen who use an SGD to help out by reading to younger kids. Or the class could work together to write a children's story (great practice for those core words). For more information about narrative development through story re-telling, check out these presentation notes from Tracy Kovach and Gail M. Van Tatenhove,

    He said what?!?
    As kids who use AC get older, their vocabulary needs also change. While they will always need and use core vocabulary words no matter what age they are, they may want to review and update fringe vocabulary to reflect the different style of communication.  Involve your student in this process. As we mentioned above, get some help with picking new words from other teens. Check out any different versions of vocabulary that might be available on your student's SGD. Here are some thoughts to consider when tackling vocabulary changes:

    • Ask your student for their input when considering making changes to the vocabulary.
    • Listen to what other kids are saying - teens often use a different words or phrases, and these come in and out of everyday use. Make a note of the words that you hear and check to see if your student knows where to find them or add them if they are not available.
    • Think about including and teaching slang words, swear words or vocabulary that might be needed to
      allow a teen to talk appropriately about their feelings, sexuality etc. Sometimes it's hard enough just trying to get through those teenage years, let alone not having the words to be able to communicate about it.
    • Consider adding texting lingo to a communication display or device. You can find lists of the most popular text and chat acronyms online, but it might be easier to have peers come up with a list of what they use most often.
    Books for teens 
    Easy reading books are mostly geared to young children.  Finding books that appeal to older students can be challenging. 
    Here are some resources that we've come across that may appeal to older students:

    Start to Finish books: High interest narrative books for older students reading at grade 2-3 and 4-5 reading levels-3 formats include paperback, audio and computer book. To purchase these books:

    Tarheel Reader: Free online stories with digital pictures and simplified text in a variety of topics.

    Bookshare: Accessible books for people with print disabilities.  There is a fee for subscription in Canada however it is free in the US.

    Symbol World: Free online news and stories with simplified text and symbols.

    Poetry Power! Ideas for AC users to explore poetry, performance, and poetry production.  $6 + 2 p & h. Click on "books":

    R.A.P.S. (Reading Activities Project For Older Students): 10 "whole language style" stories for older students with rhythm, rhyme (raps-style!), & repetition. Each story includes: story retelling overlay, role play overlay, and extension activities for: art, computer, reading, cooking, gross motor, etc. $25 + 2 p&h. Click on "books":

    Literacy resources for teens

    Route 66 is an online instructional literacy program for adolescent and adult beginning readers, those who are not yet able to read and write above the beginning conventional level (first grade). Route 66 pairs beginning readers side-by-side with teacher-tutors who guide the reading and writing activities on the computer. Many of the books featured in this program are taken directly from Tarheel Reader.

    ALL Curriculum: Accessible Literacy Learning Reading Program
    This literacy curriculum is intended for learners with special needs, including children and adults. It is specifically designed for learners who have difficulty using speech to communicate. A facilitator uses the resources provided in the binders to teach students knowledge and skills in a variety of domains, including language skills, phonological awareness, letter sound correspondences, decoding skills, etc.

    Check out the Literacy Instruction website for more information on the program and to view some videos of the process in action.

    Cause and effect software for teens

    Thankfully there are more cause and effect resources being developed with older students in mind.  Consider looking at some of these options:   I Can be a Star!
    Meet Vikram. Vikram has been using a head pointer to access communication displays and other materials since he was young. Now entering High School, Vikram is an extremely competent communicator, who has a bright future ahead. Here Vikram shows us how adept he is at using his head pointer to ask and answer some questions.

    Saturday, 1 June 2013

    I can...follow a blog!

    We entered the world of blogging to share information online with our clients, families, colleagues.  We are thrilled to see that people from all over are reading our blog each month.  Reading blogs is a fantastic way to keep your finger on the pulse of many different topics including AAC.  In our last issue until September, we'll explore how you can follow AAC related blogs.

    What is a blog?
    A website on which an individual or group of users record opinions, information, etc. on a regular basis.

    What are the benefits of following an AAC blog?

    • Gather information about augmentative communication
    • Keep up to date on the latest information
    • Discover people who are interested in the same topic
    • Get connected with professionals and families
    What is "following"? 

    Following refers to a method of subscribing to a blog so that you can be updated when new information is posted.  This means that you don't have to keep returning to the blog to see if there is anything new.

    Ways to follow a blog:

    E-mail: some blogs have a place where you can enter your email address and they will send you the latest update.  

    • Advantages: you get the information to your personal email when it's posted.
    • Disadvantages: you may be flooded with email depending on how frequently the blogger posts information and how many blogs you are following.

    RSS Feeds: (Rich Site Summary) is a format for delivering regularly changing web

    . Many websites and blogs set up their content so it is available as an RSS Feed for whoever wants it.

    • Advantages: you can read all blog entries from one place.  You can also organize a number of blogs into categories.
    • Disadvantages: You need to sign up for a RSS feed provider to access your information and have an e-mail account.

    RSS Feed Providers:
    There are many feed providers to choose from.  Try out a few out to decide which one meets your needs best. Here are our thoughts on a few FREE ones we've tried out this month.
    • Feedly:We loved this one.  It was really simple and easy to use.  We loved how you can read it online or on an idevice. You will need to have a g-mail account to use this service.
    • Bloglovin:  This one is also visually appealing. It was a bit harder to figure out if categories can be used on the idevice. You can use facebook or any email account to sign up.  You can also write a blog using this platform.
    • FeeddlerRSS for iOS:  This one is more text based and may be appealing to people like to customize the set up of their feed.
    Here is a blog post that gives an overview of some different feed reader services out there.
    How to get started following a blog using a feed provider:

    1.  Sign up with a feed provider. 
    2.  Add blogs you want to follow to your list.  You can do this by copying and pasting the web address or you can search within the feed provider.  Some blogs (like ours) have buttons on their blog for particular feed providers. You can click on these if you use that provider.
    3.  Organize your blogs into categories.
    4.  Read and enjoy!
    5.  Return to the feed provider to find out if there are new posts.  Some feed providers will send you a email (if you want one) to let you know there is a new post.  

    How can I write my own blog?

    Want to join the blogging world?!?  Simply choose a blogging website that allows you to set up an account.  We use Blogger but we are aware of a few others such as Wordpress and Bloglovin.

    AAC blogs
    Here are some AC related blogs that you may want to look through or follow.
    Jane Farrall

    AAC Girls

    Teach me AAC

    CALL Scotland

    Adapting Creatively 

    Kilometeres for Communication

    The Communication Trust

    Teaching Learners with Multiple Needs

    PrAACtical AAC

    Love That Max

    Uncommon Sense 

    More Than Words


    Wednesday, 1 May 2013

    I can...use my voice to write!

    Using your voice to write is becoming increasingly popular.  There are a variety of voice recognition options that are built into your computer, tablets and phones.  For kids with disabilities, this can mean greater independence for writing anything from essays and emails, to putting a reminder in a calendar.  In this issue, we will explore various types of voice recognition solutions and the skills required to make them valuable tools. 

    What is voice recognition?
    Voice recognition (or speech to text) involves a person speaking aloud into a microphone attached to a computer that translates what's been said into text on the screen.

    Readiness for Voice Recognition
    Voice recognition can be a fantastic tool for some kids. However, it may not be the best fit for everyone.  There are some skills that help make voice recognition work more effectively.  Take a look through the chart below.  The more often you answer "yes", the more success your child might have using this technology.

    YesNoVoice recognition software works best when your child can...

    Speak smoothly and clearly
    • If not, is the articulation consistent?  

    Speak without being out of breath
    • Breath support issues may result in noisy breath or difficulty finishing sentences

    Control his/her rate of speech
    • Able to say words all together for commands such as “Go to sleep”, “End of line” 
    • Able to articulate whole words together “Computers” vs. “com…puters”

    Read at a Grade 4 level or above.  If not, at what grade level?
    • Read text predicted by the software
    • Recognize the correctly spelled word from a list of similar words

    Generate their own writing or have supports/strategies in place to help them
    • Able to compose text aloud (aka dictate)
    • Able to edit written work - recognizing errors and able to correct them 

    Visually scan through text on a screen
    • Horizontally to read text on the screen
    • Vertically to read a list of words in a correction box

    Voice Recognition Software:
    Here is a summary of some commonly used speech recognition options and some comments from our ACS clinicians who have experience using them.

    Dragon Naturally Speaking is a windows based software program made by Nuance:
    • This is a commonly used software that allows someone to use only their voice to control and dictate to the computer.  For kids with physical disabilities, this software allows them to control the computer and write without using their hands.
    • This software works best when your child has trained his/her voice, which involves reading a passage to the computer so it can learn how your child speaks.
    • It's important to maintain the child's voice file by having the child correct errors that are made during dictation.  This allows the software to learn more about how your child speaks and this improves the software's overall recognition.  It also means that it's important to speak in sentences and avoid "testing" the recognition with random words.
    • There are 3 different versions of this software.  The majority of our clients use the home version, however, if your child requires customized commands or other features, it may be useful to explore the other versions. 
    • Nuance training videos and resources: 
    Dragon Dictate is the mac based software program by Nuance:
    WordQ/SpeakQ is a windows based software program by GoQSoftware :

    • You can use this software in two modes: "speak and select" and "continuous"
    • When using speak and select, your child speaks a sentence and the program uses word prediction to give your child options from which to choose.  The choices can be read aloud to your child and then he/she can select one to put into their document.
    • When using continuous, your child simply speaks and the program inputs it's best guess into the document.  Your child then corrects his/her work.  In this mode, the recognition is not improving as the the software is not getting feedback.  
    • Often kids use speak and select to help the program learn how they speak and then switch over to continuous depending on the writing task and accuracy of prediction.
    • This software requires the user to use a mouse or mouse alternative to make a "selection" and does not have voice commands to control the computer. 
    Other Voice Recognition Options:

    Microsoft Speech Recognition is voice recognition software that is built into Windows operating systems that are Vista or higher.  You can use this voice recognition software to control your computer as well as for dictation.  For more information:
    • It works best with Windows based products such as MS Word etc.
    Siri is a voice recognition platform included on:  iPhone 5, iPhone 4S, iPad (3rd generation) and iPod touch (5th generation). You can ask Siri to schedule appointments, check information or simply for dictation.  It uses natural speech so you don't have to train it by reading a passage or using commands.  For more information about Siri in Canada see:

    Apps:  There are a variety of apps that can be used for speech to text purposes.  When looking through all the possibilities, keep in mind that not all programs will recognize a person's voice in the same way.  
    Microphones - There are many different options when it comes to microphones.  When choosing a microphone for use with voice recognition, it's important to be aware of a few different features:

    USB Microphones:   One of the advantages of the USB microphone is that it is directly connected to the computer.  This direct connect may allow for improved transmission of information impacting the recognition.

    Noise Cancelling Microphone - this feature helps to reduce the background noise picked up by the microphone. 

    Wireless/Bluetooth - A wireless headset uses bluetooth technology to send information from the microphone  to the computer. If recognition of speech is challenging, keep in mind that bluetooth technology compresses the size of the information (speech file) when sending to the computer and may slightly impact the recognition.

    Using a idevice as a microphone - if you have an idevice, you can download an app and use it as a microphone.

    Manufacturer Recommendations: The company that produces your software may have some recommendations on the types of microphones recommended.
    • For Nuance, check out: and choose Dragon Naturally Speaking or Dragon Dictate
    • For GoQ, check out: 

    Vocal Hygiene: using your voice to write can be taxing on your vocal cords.  Here are some suggestions to help keep vocal cords healthy:
    • Speak in your natural voice (avoid speaking in a monotone voice)
    • Breathe in through your nose to keep air moist
    • Humidify room if possible
    • Keep dust to a minimum
    • Drink water frequently - not only when taking a break
    • Limit use when not feeling well
    • Take a break every 30 to 60 minutes
    • Avoid smoking, caffeine and antihistamines if possible as they dry out the throat
    • Avoid excessive throat clearing/coughing  - try a gentle swallow instead
    How do I try out Voice Recognition?
    • Talk with your child's teacher or school personnel to discuss the possibility of using voice recognition.  
    • If your child has an Occupational Therapist, speak with him or her about your interest in trying voice recognition.
    • You can also learn more about these programs online.  There are some free demos and webinars that may be helpful.  
      • Free Trials:
      • Video Demos from Nuance:although there are no free trials, you can look at online videos to get an idea of how their software works. 
    • ATN Access for Persons with Disabilities Inc, a company based in London, ON, offers fee-for-service software or assistive technology training including voice recognition.