As kids get older, they need to take more responsibility for taking care of themselves. Providing them with the vocabulary and opportunities to practice directing their own care and managing their needs will help them become more independent.
Here are some vocabulary ideas for self care:
I need a new haircut!
Do I have to visit the dentist?
Do I have to get a needle?
I’m nervous
I need to book a taxi
I need to buy some groceries
Will it hurt?
Can you help me make a list?
Can you help me?
What are the side effects?
I need to make an appointment
I have an appointment
I consent to this treatment
Can you explain that again?
Let’s go shopping
Strategies for a Successful Appointment
Often health professionals have limited time during
appointments. Call ahead to book a
longer appointment and to explain what communication strategies a person may
Try bringing this brochure with you on your appointment
to help provide some general information on ways to communicate with someone
who uses augmentative communication.

If you are using a device, ensure that it is
charged! If possible, print out any
pre-programmed questions you might have.
If using low-tech, bring some back up batteries.
Encourage your student to practice making appointment
over the phone. Try role-playing with a
familiar listener. Be sure to include
clarification messages such as “I have difficulty talking. I use a device to communicate. Please be patient.”
- Student can use a Step by Step™ to introduce themselves to people they meet in the community.
- Designate a student to be in charge of a shopping list. Try recording the list on a Step by Step ™. Voisec Talking Buttons can be used to record reminders for taking medications, remembering appointments etc.
Resources for teachers and educators: Check out the following websites for great ideas…
- Product information on portable electronic devices for memory and organization: