With a Little Help from my Friends...

Although we may not wish to admit it, some of us are a long ways past our teenage years! Times have changed and it can be challenging to try and think like a teen, in the process of helping out our students who have reached that milestone. So, how about reaching out to siblings and friends to ask for some help when it comes to programming devices, developing resources and creating items such as Remnant books or communication passports. Students in high school may have buddies who spend time with them throughout the week. There are often opportunities for the students to work together, for example to share a novel or to browse through You Tube videos. Here are some other ideas for activities that peers could really help out with:
in the cafeteria, talking with friends, checking out books in the library. Have the peer make a list of any words and phrases that they would want to use in these situations, that are not currently available on the device or display.
Creating personalized books with Tarheel Reader: We love this one! If you only try one thing this month, try this!! Tarheel Reader is an easy to use (honestly!), free online resource that can be used for students to read or to write switch accessible books. Once books are written, they can be submitted for inclusion in the online collection. The real beauty of this resource is that you can create books
that are simple to read, but have content that is interesting for teens. Brainstorm some topics that your students would enjoy reading about, take some photos or browse the collection at Flikr and create a masterpiece! Instead of having book buddies reading a book this week, have them create one together. Challenge the other classes to get creative. See how many books you can write this school year!
Creating a Communication Passport or Remnant Book: Older students often have lots more experience using a variety of multi-media software and, with a little help to consider what content to include in a passport or remnant book, might be a great resource in terms of putting together a document or media presentation that will stand out.
Personalizing a Communication Book or Display: Get some help with adding a personal touch to a display or communication book. Friends could help you shop for the perfect binder, or might volunteer to share their scrapbooking skills.
Teens giving back: In turn our students can help others in a variety of ways. Perhaps there are opportunities for a teen who use an SGD to help out by reading to younger kids. Or the class could work together to write a children's story (great practice for those core words). For more information about narrative development through story re-telling, check out these presentation notes from Tracy Kovach and Gail M. Van Tatenhove, http://www.vantatenhove.com/files/handouts/NarrativeDevelopmentThroughStoryReTelling.pdf
He said what?!?
As kids who use AC get older, their vocabulary needs also change. While they will always need and use core vocabulary words no matter what age they are, they may want to review and update fringe vocabulary to reflect the different style of communication. Involve your student in this process. As we mentioned above, get some help with picking new words from other teens. Check out any different versions of vocabulary that might be available on your student's SGD. Here are some thoughts to consider when tackling vocabulary changes:
- Ask your student for their input when considering making changes to the vocabulary.
- Listen to what other kids are saying - teens often use a different words or phrases, and these come in and out of everyday use. Make a note of the words that you hear and check to see if your student knows where to find them or add them if they are not available.
- Think about including and teaching slang words, swear words or vocabulary that might be needed to
allow a teen to talk appropriately about their feelings, sexuality etc. Sometimes it's hard enough just trying to get through those teenage years, let alone not having the words to be able to communicate about it.
- Consider adding texting lingo to a communication display or device. You can find lists of the most popular text and chat acronyms online, but it might be easier to have peers come up with a list of what they use most often.
Easy reading books are mostly geared to young children. Finding books that appeal to older students can be challenging.
Here are some resources that we've come across that may appeal to older students:
Start to Finish books: High interest narrative books for older students reading at grade 2-3 and 4-5 reading levels-3 formats include paperback, audio and computer book. To purchase these books:
Tarheel Reader: Free online stories with digital pictures and simplified text in a variety of topics. http://tarheelreader.org/
Bookshare: Accessible books for people with print disabilities. There is a fee for subscription in Canada however it is free in the US. https://www.bookshare.org/
Symbol World: Free online news and stories with simplified text and symbols. http://www.symbolworld.org/
Poetry Power! Ideas for AC users to explore poetry, performance, and poetry production. $6 + 2 p & h. Click on "books": http://aacintervention.com/site/cpage.asp?cpage_id=180028669&sec_id=180009852
R.A.P.S. (Reading Activities Project For Older Students): 10 "whole language style" stories for older students with rhythm, rhyme (raps-style!), & repetition. Each story includes: story retelling overlay, role play overlay, and extension activities for: art, computer, reading, cooking, gross motor, etc. $25 + 2 p&h. Click on "books": http://aacintervention.com/site/cpage.asp?cpage_id=180028669&sec_id=180009852
Literacy resources for teens
Cause and effect software for teens
Thankfully there are more cause and effect resources being developed with older students in mind. Consider looking at some of these options:
- Help Kidz Learn is a subscription based website ($16/year) with switch accessible activities that teenagers may enjoy: http://www.helpkidzlearn.com/games
Meet Vikram. Vikram has been using a head pointer to access communication displays and other materials since he was young. Now entering High School, Vikram is an extremely competent communicator, who has a bright future ahead. Here Vikram shows us how adept he is at using his head pointer to ask and answer some questions.