Kids love to tell
jokes…the sillier the better! Jokes are
quick and easy to tell and can be said over and over again. Jokes provide a great opportunity to
practice language and social interaction skills. This includes practice for consistent turn taking that is
predictable and fun. Have your students share jokes with a variety of people in
your school such as reading buddies, principal, other teachers, secretary,
caretakers, librarian and bus drivers.
Here are some ideas for general joke telling vocabulary:
Do you want to hear a joke?
That doesn’t make sense.
I don’t get it.
Do you know any jokes?
That’s stupid!
Tell it again!
Ha! Ha! Ha!
That’s a groaner!
Good one!
Do you have any more?
I have one to tell you.
Bring me another joke tomorrow
Mine was funnier.
You should hear this one?
Get it?
C’mon guess?
Give up?
Knock, Knock
Who’s there?
Is that the best you’ve got?
No, still don’t get it.
Some funny jokes…
Why does the hamburger go to the gym?
To get great buns!

Why do seagulls fly over the sea?
Because if they flew over the bay, they would be bagels!
To get great buns!
Why do seagulls fly over the sea?
Because if they flew over the bay, they would be bagels!
What do you call chips that aren’t yours?
Nacho chips!
Nacho chips!
Have I told you the joke about the butter?
I’d better not…it might spread!
I’d better not…it might spread!
Why was the math book sad?
Because it had too many problems!
No Tech Ideas
- Post-It® Note Jokes – write a joke on a Post-It® note and the punch line on the Post-It® note underneath.
- Try laminating a PCS symbol that represents the joke and one that represents the punch line. Use a dry erase marker to write the joke and punch line on the reverse sides.
- Write a joke on the front of a folded piece of paper with the punch line on the inside.
- Try providing symbols that will allow your student to comment on the joke he/she has heard e.g. “That’s a groaner!” “Funny one!”
Light Tech Ideas
Step-by-Step communication devices are great for telling jokes because they are quickly programmed.
High Tech Ideas
Step-by-Step communication devices are great for telling jokes because they are quickly programmed.
- Try including phrases to catch and maintain a person’s attention such as “I have a joke for you.”, “C’mon, guess…”.
- Instead of sharing news between home and school, try sharing a joke.
High Tech Ideas
- During morning announcements, have a student who uses a voice output device tell a joke to the school. (Test this out with your P.A. system to ensure the device is easily understood when amplified.)
- Simplify the student’s physical access to the joke by linking the joke and the punch line together for a no-fail joke telling experience.
- Try using recorded speech to give emphasis to the joke.
Resources for telling jokes: